Conditions Of Confinement

Casey Brezik

Publisher: Causerie Publishing

Casey Brexik, an anarchist from Missouri, was arrested in September, 2012 for attacking and slashing the throat of the Dean of the Metropolitan community College-Penn Valley. This zine is a compilation of the personal diary entries that Casey wrote in July of 2015 surrounding the response to an assault on a fellow inmate by the CO’s. The honesty and candor is rare amongst anarchist writings. Moments of revolt however small, are written far too often without the depth of emotion they deserve. The text speaks of fear and confusion with a vulnerability we often lose in the overly glamorized and one-dimensional writings on revolt.

Allegedly, his original target was the Governor of Missouri, day Nixon, who had been scheduled to speak at the college that day, but had canceled his appearance last minute. Charged with two counts of first-degree assault and two counts of criminal action, Casey was found “incapable” of standing trial in February 2011. He spent the following 11 months locked up in Missouri Mental Institution. In June of 2013 he was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Since his incarceration Casey has seen most of the larger anarchist milieu turn their back on him and his case for a variety of reasons.

24 Pages

Lazer Printed

Suggested Price: £0.00