The Anarchy of Colored Girls Assembled in a Riotous Manner

Saidiya Hartman

Publisher: Seditionist Distribution

Poem version of a section from the book Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiements. (2018)

Esther Brown did not write a political tract on the refusal to be governed, or draft a plan for mutual aid or outline a memoir of her sexual adventures. A manifesto of the wayward: Own Nothing. Refuse the Given. Live on What You Need and No More. Get Ready to Be Free — was not found among the items contained in her case file. She didn’t pen any song lines: My mama says I’m reckless, My daddy says I’m wild, I ain’t good looking, but I’m somebody’s angel child. She didn’t commit to paper her ruminations on freedom: With human nature caged in a narrow space, whipped daily into submission, how can we speak of potentialities? The cardboard placards for the tumult and upheaval she incited might have said: Don’t mess with me. I am not afraid to smash things up. But hers was a struggle without formal declarations of policy, slogan, or credos. [...] Her way of living was nothing short of anarchy.

10 Pages
Laser Printed

Suggested Price: £0.00